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Job highlights

Work/Life Balance

Time management


Problem Solving


Applications are being accepted for many temporary posts at the National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi. These positions include Project Scientist-I, Project Scientist-II, Senior Project Associate, Project Associate-II, and Scientific Administrative Assistant/Field Worker. With the goal of improving crop and plant varietal genotyping and characterization in India, these positions are a component of the “DBT- Processing and Monitoring Unit (PMU) for Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology Programs of the DBT” project.

  • Monthly Salary for Project Scientist: INR 56,000 + 27% HRA
  • Monthly Salary for Project Scientist-II: Rs. 67,000 + 27% HRA
  • Three positions for Senior Project Associates; monthly salary of Rs. 42,000 + 27% HRA
  • Monthly Salary for Scientific Administrative Assistant/Field Worker: Rs. 18,000 + 27% HRA
  • Monthly Salary for Project Associate-II: Rs. 35,000 + 27% HRA

Workplace Duties

The Department of Biotechnology’s Emerging Frontiers in Biotechnology (EFB) Directorate will rely heavily on the chosen candidates (DBT). Among the duties are:

  • Project Scientist-I & II: Organizing meetings of the Technical Expert Committee, the Internal Screening Committee, progress reports, and fund release procedures.
  • Senior Project Associate: Supporting the EFB Directorate in financial document analysis, proposal evaluation facilitation, and Principal Investigator coordination.
  • Project Associate-II: Putting together grant release proposals’ notes, tables, and paperwork.
  • Supporting many administrative chores and managing multitasking assignments are the responsibilities of a scientific administrative assistant/field worker.

Qualifications and Skills

  • A doctorate in science or a master’s degree in engineering or technology is required for Project Scientist-I. (Maximum age: 35 years)
  • Project Scientist-II: Three years of R&D experience plus a doctorate in science or a master’s degree in engineering or technology. (Maximum age: forty years)
  • The qualifications for a Senior Project Associate include a Master’s degree in Agricultural or Natural Sciences (MVSc), a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Technology, or Medicine with four years of experience in research and development, or a Doctorate in a related subject. (Maximum age: forty years)
  • Project Associate-II: a Bachelor’s degree in engineering, technology, or medicine with two years of research and development experience, or a Master’s degree in natural or agricultural sciences, MVSc. (Maximum age: 35 years)
  • Any graduate degree is required to work as a field worker or scientific administrative assistant. (Maximum age: 35 years)

How to Apply

By September 7, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., interested and qualified candidates must submit an online application via the NIPGR website, nipgr.ac.in. Applications sent in via other channels won’t be accepted.

Required Documents:

  • Proof of Age
  • Relevant degrees or certificates of education Experience certificates
  • Specifications for Publications
  • A succinct report on the research experience
  • Anything more pertinent
  • Two References (names, email addresses, and phone and fax numbers)

Note: The date and time of the interview will be sent by email to the shortlisted candidates. Only applications submitted in soft copy in the required format will be accepted. There won’t be any TA or DA for showing up for the interview.

This is a fantastic chance to support important NIPGR research initiatives. For your application to be considered for these esteemed roles, make sure it is complete and received on time.

application Link